This 4 and a half minute sequence was produced as part of the Illuminauts program to open the Macon Film Festival. it screened in the Macon Museum of Arts and Sciences Planetarium, and was produced over the start of June and July in 2019. It is based around alchemical imagery, the Zodiac Maps [Harmonia Macrocosmica] of Andreas Cellarius and the illustrations of 17th Century Zoologist Ernst Haeckel.
Additional Animation was provided by Kelsey Brown [Astrological and metallic bands & rings made in Maya, and Sun made in After Effects], and Desmond Yunhzen, who created the “Virtual Haeckel” forms that descend in the last scene in Cinema 4D.
The dome format is extremely difficult to convey in 2D – but these renders from Amateras Dome Viewer are close enough. The final render was made for 4k x 4k dome master.